H Frame Scaffolding is also named as Standard Scaffold, Frame Scaffold, and Tower Scaffolding in the construction sector. Gürbüz Scaffolding and Formwork provides the completion of all the projects of its customers in a short time with H Frame Scaffolding.
The Setup of H Frame Scaffolding
The H Frame scaffold consists of a combination of two parts:
- Bottom and top ledgers
- H frame
The H frame scaffold is manufactured in two standard sizes: 100/100 cm and 120/120 cm. H Frame parts are placed on the subframe and installed in a tower-shaped. This process can be made easily with manpower.
The spacing of the tower is adjusted according to the project and slab loads. Plywood is supported with H20 timber beam or 5-10/10 timbers. The basic scaffold is mounted on H20 wooden beams, spindle, and four-way heads. As strengthening of the towers is important, the slab thickness and height adjustment of the towers are supported by diagonal elements to gain resistance against wind loads.
The structure can be transported as a tower by means of crane and without disassembly after being connected from the upper and lower ledgers. H Frame Systems are capable of carrying 50kN /foot and they are especially used in high and thick slabs. All these processes starting from the projecting stage and ending in the application stage is carried out under the control of the engineer.
Usage Areas of H Frame Scaffolding
H Frame can easily be used in the construction of different structures:
- Houses and high-rises
- Business and shopping centers
- Underground stations
- Industrial Buildings
- Power plants
- Hospitals and other health facilities
- Viaduct heads and bridge slabs
- HEPP projects

Properties of H Frame Scaffolding
- It is often preferred in high and thick slabs.
- It consists of two parts with bottom and top ledgers, and H frame.
- The measurements of tower type scaffold are 100/100 cm and 120/120 cm.
- All the elements consisting of the system are installed with manpower.
- The spaces are adjusted by calculating the slab loads in accordance with the project.
- The H-Frame Scaffolding is supported by Plywood, H20 wooden beams or 10/10 beams.
- The ridge H20 is fitted with wooden beams and adjustable four-way heads, or 10/10 wooden and crossbars U-heads.
- The slab thickness and height adjustment of the towers are supported by diagonal elements to gain resistance against wind loads.
- The towers can be transported as a tower by means of crane and without disassembly after being connected from the upper and lower ledgers.
- H frame has a high carrying capacity of 50kN / foot.
Gürbüz Scaffolding and Formwork provides H Frame Systems to its customers by giving design and supervision services. You can call our contact numbers and get detailed information for H Frame scaffolding.