Occupational safety solutions ensure that measures are taken against possible accidents that may occur at work sites. Occupational health , especially in risky sectors such as building, construction and mining, stands out as a subject that needs attention.
Are job security solutions ? Solutions can be customized according to the business area. Companies operating in different sectors may have different needs. For example, secure scaffolding systems can be considered as a solution for the construction industry. All employees are informed in the field of occupational health and safety as required by law. In this sense, both employers and workers have various responsibilities.
Right Occupational Safety Solutions
For the most accurate and cost-effective solutions in the field of occupational safety, it is recommended to consult a company specialized in its field. Gürbüz İskele operates in the building and construction sectors and provides consultancy services to companies in the sector. Scaffolding and formwork systems produced by us are designed by considering certain standards.
OHS in short , are regulated by Law No. 6331. Many related regulations and regulations were also made on the basis of this law. So what are the advantages of using OHS solutions?
- The possibility of damage to both employees and the work area is minimized.
- The credibility and corporate reputation of the company are positively affected.
- A legal obligation arising from the Law No. 6331 is fulfilled.
- Work efficiency increases.
- The incidence of occupational diseases decreases.
- Personal and national healthcare costs are reduced.
![Occupational Safety Solutions](https://www.gurbuziskele.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/occupational-safety-solutions-002.webp)
What should be done for Occupational Health and Safety?
Legal regulations in the field of OHS should be followed and necessary precautions should be taken for the work area. In the trainings given in this field; Legal information, causes of accidents, employee responsibilities, causes of fire are covered.
What should an occupational safety specialist do? Many subjects, from the assessment of possible risks to the planning of what to do in an emergency, fall into the work area of occupational safety experts. Experts,
- Provides training on occupational safety.
- Makes a risk assessment.
- prepare an emergency plan together with the team .
- It determines the working conditions specific to various environments. Workplaces with flammable or explosive materials can be given as an example.
- Determines working conditions with chemical substances.
- Conducts studies on electrical safety.
- It provides fire safety.
You can contact us to get detailed information about correct and affordable OHS solutions .
![Occupational Safety Solutions](https://www.gurbuziskele.com.tr/wp-content/uploads/occupational-safety-solutions-003.webp)
OHS in the Construction Sector
Industries such as construction, mining and chemistry stand out with their possible risks. Unfortunately, many personnel can be injured or lose their lives at construction sites. If it is determined that such negativities are caused by negligence, the employer may receive significant penalties.
“Safe” systems should be preferred in the construction sector, where scaffolding and formwork systems are used extensively. These systems, produced by Gürbüz İskele , are designed with great care. During production, sheet metal planks are added to each floor. Thanks to the covered stairs, the safety of the passage between the floors is ensured. Production is carried out taking into account TS-EN 12810 and TS-EN 12811 standards.
regulations; It regulates issues such as the installation of scaffolds, the design of the appropriate scaffold and the security systems to be used. Our productions are carried out considering all these criteria. In addition, worldwide standards are also taken into account to ensure long-lasting use.